The wound is where the light enters”
Soul Purpose
I am going to pour liquid gold into the soul of every mother and woman, until they are full of love, flowing gold, conviction and strength, so they can empower, love, honour and raise the vibration of love for their children and all of humanity. Freedom and emotional expression for all of the women who have been silenced throughout the ages.
Considered a healer for all, I specialise working with Mothers and Women who seek direction for clearing their limiting beliefs attributed to negative emotions. By helping my clients rediscover a new sense of peace, alignment and self-love, they are able to reconnect to their true selves, carving out some time to process and transmute any negative emotion that is trapped in their auric, energetic or emotional field.
“I am here to support the Mother’s, children and women, to help them overcome adversity and trauma, to hold space for them to clear and release negative emotion and help them to come home to themselves.
My belief stems from an idea that our children chose to walk this path with us, so we as spiritual, awakened, conscious, fierce women, can carve out space for our children to be held and grow with love, emotional and spiritual guidance.
Often referred to as a ‘lightworker’, throughout your healing journey, I will guide you back into divine alignment and help you reconnect with your inner peace, inner child and true authentic self. I work with women and children who have experienced trauma and adversity.
I help women and children who have lived through grief, trauma and heartache to shed and let go of the residual negative emotion and energy that is in their bodies. I have worked with women who have experienced sexual, physical, emotional and verbal abuse and have helped them to shift the trauma, energy and subconscious beliefs and bring them back into landing safely in their bodies, minds, souls and hearts. I work with women to process and navigate inner child work, taking them back to painful, traumatic experiences and guiding them to sit, receive, open up and communicate with their own inner child. This work is so powerful, magical and transformative and holds ancient wisdom and magic for deep transformative healing.
This beautiful symbol embodies my deep desire and soul calling to hold you as a divine feminine being and support you on your healing path as your journey through the stages of womanhood. I embody the ancient resonance of maiden, mother and crone in my soul healing container and the symbol shows my hand, holding you and space for you as you shift, transform, evolve, grow, shed and unravel, slowly reconnecting and realigning, uplevelling and upgrading your soul, mind and heart with your soul calling and true authentic self, feeling safe and grounded in your emotional expression. My soul longs to help you embrace your sacred feminine and your personal power, helping you to take back your power and your essence, calling back your energy and moving forward in a narrative that you create.
The maiden is all about enchantment and new beginnings, youthful ideas and enthusiasm. She is associated with the waxing phase of the lunar cycle, as the moon grows from dark to full. The Mother is the next phase in a woman's life. She is fertility and fecundity, abundance and growth, the gaining of knowledge. She is fulfillment—sexual, social, and emotional—and she is represented by the full moon. Springtime and early summer are her domain; as the earth becomes green and fertile, so does the Mother. A woman does not have to have biological children to embrace the role of Mother. Finally, the Crone aspect is the final stage. She is the wise woman, the darkness of night, and eventually death. She is the waning moon, the chill of winter, the dying of the earth.
I would love to connect and hold space for you, to shift the negative energy, help you let go of the subconscious limiting beliefs, help you break the patterns and assist you to move into clarity and alignment with your true essence, so that you can move into a vibrational frequency that serves you and move into creating your reality. This work helps you to clear up what is holding you back and to move out of your own way. Perception is projection is an integral component in this powerful work, what you are carrying inside you (internally) will project into your external reality. In order to manifest, from a place of clarity, abundance and ease, you must first clear up your subconscious narratives and frameworks.