Welcome Soul Family


My name is Kellie, and I am a Mother to a divine little angel named Mason. He is my greatest teacher, soulmate, and my world. I am the founder of Soul Healing with Kellie and Soul School for Children. This beautiful soul healing space is a safe space for you and your children  to be held and gently explore your subconscious narratives and emotions. I am here to lovingly guide you towards your new narrative and abundant reality. It is time to shed and realign, for yourself, your children, your future children and for your children’s children x If trauma is generational, then healing is too. Let's work together to break the patterns that you are running and that are being passed on through your family lineage x I am here for you when you are ready.

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 Strong-willed, determined and born a true Scorpio woman, I am a manifesting generator who embodies empathetic feelings intertwined within a highly sensitive intuition. 

“I am extremely passionate about holding space for women and mothers to consciously heal, while they hold space for their children to grow and develop.” 

Coming from a teaching background, I am by nature, an avid learner, who has successfully integrated my teaching skills within my healing tools to offer a personalised soulful, spiritual hub. I integrate muscle testing, emotional clearing and emotional coaching. We will work together to reframe your subconscious beliefs and emotional patterns that prevent you from moving forward in your life.