Soul Offerings

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 A deep dive into your money story, limiting beliefs around money, wealth and abundance. During these sessions we uncover, unpack and reframe your emotional and energetic blocks around money and abundance. Abundance coaching sessions improve your relationship with money, leaving you less triggered and more aligned to start creating more wealth to make money with ease. These sessions help you to vibrate at the frequency of money, to energetically attract money and to become abundant and magnetic, in your health, relationships and with your money.

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Emotional Clearing is a great way to dive deep and explore some of the limiting beliefs and negative emotions that are holding you back. We work together to uncover any subconscious beliefs and emotional patterns that are preventing you from moving forward in your life. This session will cater for your individual emotional needs. We can work together to clear your stagnant energy and root clear your negative emotions, such as anxiety, fear, guilt and shame. Any issue, fear or trigger that is bothering you emotionally, can be addressed and cleared through these powerful sessions.

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Chakra clearing is a form of energy clearing and healing, where we remove stagnant energy and emotional blockages that are trapped in your chakras. Your chakras are the spiritual energy centres in your body, if you are feeling drained or stuck, it's likely that energy is not flowing freely through all of your chakras. This session will help to rebalance you and your energy levels, it will take a few days to integrate, you will be left feeling clearer, lighter, more aligned and balanced. 

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Who would you be.. If you finally got out of your own way? 

The Spiral is a powerful, transformative process that will significantly raise your energetic vibration. It will help you to leave behind a lifetime of accumulated baggage. If you want to accelerate your spiritual development, shed and transform in eight weeks, the spiral is for you! You emerge from the process with a higher self worth, vibrating at a much higher level and are capable of attracting wealth and abundance and are more energetically attractive to be around.

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This is perfect for you, if you feel negatively impacted or affected by someone else’s energy. Person Clearing helps to improve our interpersonal relationships, especially with people who seem to be able to push our buttons, or with people we need to cooperate with. This clear works by clearing up the emotions that the other person represents to us, in our bodies and minds. I will work with you, to clear you completely of the anchors, ties, hooks and energetic hooks that keep you in a place of feeling impacted by another person’s attitude, behaviour, energy, values and worldview.

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This is a great way to gently explore any negative emotions or issues that children may be experiencing, in a loving supportive environment. I work 1:1 with children from ages 5 onwards. I am a Primary School Teacher, and use picture books to help stimulate children’s minds around emotions and processing emotion and feelings. I use a variety of teaching and coaching tools, Emotional Freedom Technique and gentle emotional clearing to help children shift stagnant and heavy energy through their precious bodies. I help children work through grief, trauma, separation, anxiety, sleep issues and more. 

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Womb Clearing is offered over two sessions and is perfect if you have any trauma or  negative emotion being held in your womb or sacral Chakra. This is perfect for women who have miscarried or are experiencing issues with Conception. In the first session we will clear your womb and Sacral Chakra. The Second session is a deep dive into your  womb story and clearing chakra lines between you and conception. Our wombs are our divine feminine portals and are connected to our hearts. Our wombs are gateways to heaven on earth.